HW V5 000
Two more volumes will wrap the story that we have been telling for nine years!
It’s been a long ride, and we want to make sure we nail the ending. To do that we are taking some time off to finalize Volumes 5 & 6 so that the writing has plenty of time to be re-worked and the art doesn’t need to be rushed.
I need about five to six weeks before I will be ready to send the scripts to Michael Odom. Then both he and Gi (colors) need time to create a large buffer so that there will be no gaps as we put out the final two volumes. Right now we are aiming for an October launch of Volume 5.
If you are worried about forgetting you can sign up to this email list and I’ll send out a reminder email when Volume 5 premieres.
Sign up link:Â https://pages.convertkit.com/6474f26d76/baeef24172
Thank you all again for sticking with us for this long journey, I’m super excited for you to see how it ends!
– Scott
" 'Tis only a fleshwound. I'll bite your legs off!"
"You're the king? Well, I didn't vote for you…"
All the Monty Python references.
I'm excited to see where this is going!
Hopefully Easter, Christmas and Halloween show up
I don’t know if it’s a good or a bad thing to habitually check this place even though I know nothing is going to happen for X weeks. XD
Still not done writing yet!
Ouh… O_O
Well, it will be longwinded as heck or epic beyond belief. I’m kinda thinking it’ll be the second one.
But! In the spirit of the modern days:
Nooooooo! I want it now and I want quick, good and cheap! T_T
But really. No rush. I’ll probably just give you a poke again after couple of weeks just be annoying. XD
Lets see if this one gets blocked… Me thinks something got missunderstood from my last one. ^^”
Instead of witty commentary… Just how’s it going?

Still writing them fingers raw on the keyboard.
Volume 6 will be BIG. Right now Volume 2 is our largest book to date and Volume 6 will have it beat.
I'm almost done rewrites on 5 & 6. Then I need to start doing the comic script breakdown (converting the script to panel by panel descriptions) and send those to Michael Odom so he can start drawing.
Still looking at a fall re-launch of Volume 5 as long as I get scripts soon to Michael and he can dive in on them.
Good to hear.

And absolutely no rush. We may have been spoiled a bit by your rigorous update schedules, but anything good is worth a wait, so if it’s gonna be the best yet, well then…
Just checking, still alive? been soon 5 years since any news
Dangit. I was supposta pop back during the Halloween to wish you good scares for it. Here's for hoping you had them anyhow. And the fun type.
Also dropping in to ask how's it going? Don't know many other places from where to check how things are going. ^^'
We have an okay buffer on pencils and inks. We have a meh buffer on colors.
I'm waiting till we have a huge buffer on pencil and inks and a good buffer on colors. Then I'll letter and relaunch!
*silent squeeing intensifies*
Even better news than what I was expecting.
Lord knows I like to take my time with things, especially if I like doing them, so never expect others to rush either. Unless there’s a deadline, that is… XD
Here’s for hoping that non-comic things are going great as well.
Hello again, Velgar, long time no see, though I’ve enjoyed reading your commentary during my catch-up archive binge.
Always fun to see old friends.
One tries his best, but that might still not always work or not be misguided in all the effort. :\
Kinda interested if there has been much change along the years. Always hard to tell when having lived through the changes yourself. ^^’
I’m caught up!
After losing touch with this wonderful story for about 5 years (I think) I’ve completed a week long archive binge, and caught up!
… oh, no. I’m caught up. Now what?
I guess I’ll keep checking back here, and in the mean time start binging something else.
Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!
Quick update…
Michael has to fix a few pages because of a character design issue. I THINK we have enough colored pages that I can start lettering.
I am about to move from PA to TX. My guess is that once we are moved I'll get caught up on the lettering and will be able to prep new pages for launch. I think that now puts us at a launch of Book 5 sometime mid to late March. I'll know better once we are moved.
Looking forward to it; thanks for the update!
*silent squeeing intensifies even more*
It’s like Christmas all over again here.
I just finished binging Chapters 1-4 and am eagerly awaiting #'s 5 & 6. I hate to see the saga end, but all good things must, I suppose. Once the whole series is between covers, I'll buy it.
Apparently the site was down for like a month. Thank you Velgar for emailing me. I had no idea.
Hired someone to fix the theme and get it working again! (ME spending money is proof the comic is not dead)
Quick update… I moved from PA back to TX (for Lisa's work). Then I caught COVID-19 and spent the end of February and all of March sick. I'm doing okay but me being sick put everyone behind.
I just checked in with Michael last week and he plans to get back to drawing soon while G is waiting for pages to color. Once we have a bigger buffer I'll relaunch things.
I KNOW it has been a long time, but we have two final volumes to wrap everything up and I just want to make sure there are no more gaps once we re-launch. Thanks so much to all of you who check in regularly. You all are amazing.
Not that I figured things be ready yet, but for other people who stumble in here, it's good for the comic to be here. More people get to enjoy it.
Also not good hearing you caught the talk of the day, but good that you're back up and running, much like the site.
Got myself something as well last week and though it as very mild for covid, it's the strangest set of symptoms I've ever had and they did align with covid-symptoms, so… Been in home arrest for last week and a half. Still not 100%, but some of that might be just having to stick between four walls 24/7×2…
Can't (and at the same time can) wait for the volumes to come. ^_^
I remember reading this comic a long time back, and then losing the bookmark in a disk crash.
Good to find it again and to see it's continuing – especially so as i JUST found it again and so i didn't find myself coming to the end and then suffering for months wondering if this was going to be another "Venus Envy", "Magical Girl Neil", "Evil Diva", "Wotch", or…
Re-bookmarking the page and i'll check every so often … and i'm re-binge the archive while i'm waiting.
So, its been 1 year and 3 months since last hearing of author, still around?
I am still holding out hope that this comes back.