“Holiday Wars Volume 1: The Holiday Spirit” Cover!
I just realized I hadn’t posted this yet here. This is the inked art that will eventually be the cover of “Holiday Wars Volume 1: The Holiday Spirit.” Right now we think the book will be between 232 to 240 pages.
Note: This cover will also be the cover of issue 7 for the digital copies that will be sold through Comixology (eventually I’ll post the other 6 covers).
I love it!! dont color it leave it the way it is, its beautiful and shows the mood perfectly
Glad you dig it. Michael did both the pencils and inks for it and I think he did a fantastic job.
We SHOULD have it colored next week so I'll post a final version of it then… and we kind of have to color it. Maybe if it were a b&w book and there was more contrast on the cover but as is its too busy and coloring will be needed to make certain elements pop over other ones.
yes you're are very much right i would be worried if the coloring might work against the element of comic as some comics that were in color found was easier to not color, but then again color adds new depth to a story as well drastic changes in atmosphere..
but i shall wait to see the cover version of it before i say anyhting, since i know for certain that you colorist is good with coloring of the comic
Our normal colorist isn't doing the cover. My boss at Th3rd World is. Checkout all the covers of "The Stuff of Legend" here:
…to see what his work looks like.
What's that sharp thing producing from the Bunny's chest?
Wait for the colored version. You should be able to guess it then.