“Holiday Wars” is online for free. So why should you pre-order a copy of the book?  Well here are the five main reasons why…

5) No Waiting
Tired of waiting every week for updates? Do you just want to know right here and right now what will happen next? Then order the book! The plan is for the books to ship out in February (at the very latest). That means you’ll get the full story MONTHS before its published on the web.

4) You’ll Have a Book
I clearly support the idea behind webcomics, but let’s be honest. Sometimes it is a lot easier to thumb through a book then it is to do an archive dive. With a book you can take it with you wherever you want and never have to worry about scrolling or waiting for pages to load.

3) Bonus Content
The book will run between 232 pages to 244 pages. More than half of that will be the main storyline, but also included will be every “Tales of Holiday’s Past” story related to Volume 1 as well as several “ToHP” stories that will be exclusive to the book. In addition we plan to add interviews, concept designs, and tons of other behind the scenes items.

2) Cool Stuff
My signature on a book really isn’t that cool, but do you know what is? Getting an awesome original sketch from Michael Odom, our penciler, or even becoming a character in the Holiday Wars Universe. We have tons and tons of cool rewards that will only be available through Kickstarter.

1) If You Don’t Pre-order There Won’t Be A Book
The honest truth is that this is a test run. If enough people pre-order then there will be a book. If there isn’t enough interest then there won’t be a book. So if you have any interest at all in ever owning a “Holiday Wars” book we need you to please show your support and make a pledge.

Click Here To See Our Kickstarter Page