Check out this AMAZING piece of fan art that Michael did for “Jackie Rose!”

If you remember in the fall, we did a bunch of “Guest Comics” for strip-style webcomics. Well since it’s hard to do a guest comic for a long form story we have several pieces like this that will be posted over the next few months. I picked “Jackie Rose,” but it was all Micheal who came up with the concept and executed it.

I read over 100 webcomics, but there are only a handful I really love and really look forward to reading, “Jackie Rose” is one of them. Think James Bond meets Indiana Jones, but with a strong female lead. Plus, Josh Ulrich’s (it’s creator) style is unique as well as pretty. If you aren’t already reading it you should start from the beginning, here. It’s archive isn’t too big to read in one quick sitting so definitely bookmark it and give it a try.