The Calling 17
And so the pieces are finally coming together.
Welcome to our final week of wrapping up “Tales of Holiday’s Past.” We will be updating EVERY day this week to finish off this story. Then I recomend avoiding the website this weekend cause I’ll be rebuilding it which means it will be broken for most of Saturday & Sunday.
Then come back on MONDAY APRIL 23rd. It’s our launch day for a new website, Volume 2: Winter’s Wrath, a huge giveaway contest, and our Kickstarter for Volume 1.
Our kickstarter project will launch on April 23rd. It is imperative that we start off strong because it needs to look viable if we want non-fans to support it. So please if you plan to support the kickstarter make a pledge within the first 48 hours. This is our only chance to bring Volume 1 to print and we really need your help.
How does Kickstarter Work?
Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing funding site. Meaning if people pledge the full amount that we are asking then the book will go to print. If we don’t make the full amount then no money is exchanged. It’s a way for you guys to be involved risk free and to score some cool rewards.
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