Night Before 4
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
Just think… this is what “Holiday Wars” might have looked like if it was drawn in the 90’s!
Actually, when I first mention “Holiday Wars” to people (at conventions or wherever) they normally picture something like the page above. No writing, or story, or depth… just cheesy over the top action. It’s a hard stigma to fight.
I don't get why the Bunny has such a hate on for Santa. I mean I know he wants to reveal himself to the humans and will mow down anyone that gets in his way but this seems like there's a bit more to it?
It's been set-up in the main storyline and will be paid off very shortly. I really can't say more without spoiling stuff.
However, I can say our next ToHP story is Bunny centric and we will get a better look at what led him to starting the war.
So, what's the bunnies plan here? Reveal himself to humans and let them all know he committed horrific crimes so they'll want to put him in jail?
I mean yes as one of the big holidays he'd be hard to stop but once the whole "magic is real" thing is out…
Just seems like he hasn't thought this through.
I agree. Imagine if humans knew that they could create beings with godlike powers simply by agreeing that they exist. Imagine the arms race. Imagine the devastation when our creations rebel. Imagine the merchandising potential.
By the way, why isn't there a tooth fairy? Belief created Odin and she's got more believers than he did.
It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If he puts an image of himself in their heads he will become and stay that image.
Besides this story was meant to be more fun then an exploration of mythos or character. So don't over analyze this one. The next story would be a good one for that.
Fnaire speaking.
Terry Pratchet explained it. There's a finite amount of belief in the world. Of course, with Santa dead, that should have caused all sorts of beings to start popping into existence with the sudden surplus.
We've talked about this before… I've never been a fan of finite belief.
Scott has a dark fantasy of changing innocent poems to bloody epics.
This wasn't me. I did the poem. Then I told Michael he could do anything he wanted with the art. THIS is what he did. So blam him!
I the bunny choking Santa with a candy cane? Is it one of those odd flavored ones or is it a coloring error?
One of those odd flavor ones.
"Odd flavor" just seems the only way to go for the bunny…