HW V4 214
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Self care matters.
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Self care matters.
That’s… Specie-ist…? Of short… -ish? 😀
It's not.
So in HW the world of supernaturals is legit bad? 🙁
That’s kinda bummer…
Lessee if I manage to write the email right this time. For some reason the site won’t remember them anymore…
You read volumes 1-3 and are currently reading 4.
It's been clear that Santa and Anna have a long history of protecting the human world and earth from supernatural entities. There have been hints that this is also what some of the old gods used to do.
This is not to say any supernatural entity is BAD. Bad is a too open term. But as a whole supernaturals, gods, magics, creatures, etc… are all dangerous to humans because humans are blind to them, soft, squishy, and soooo easy to kill or wreck emotionally.
Also don't confuse the term "Holiday" with "Supernatural." Holidays are not inherently BAD (unless society were to make them that way, which it currently doesn't).