HW V4 113
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Teenagers. Ugggghhhh so annoying.
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Teenagers. Ugggghhhh so annoying.
Well we, and probably Fools, know they are the protagonists and are protected by the legendary plot armour. But I wonder how they keep figuring that they’ll make it…
First they had buddies aiding them and somewhat little choices, true. But now they probably just figure that “eh, nothing bad has happened thus far, so why would pushing our luck be bad now?” XD
Ask Taylor.
Well now. Somehow I managed to forget already that he died. XD
But I think his plot armour is recharging at the moment. Kinda wouldn’t mind seeing him back, still wouldn’t mind it if he died for realsies either. It’s so much in how and why it happened, not really in that it did.
Fine example was the token black guy in the new Star Wars. Ready to sacrifice himself for the greater good and then a bimbo he has known for a day saved him, because she loved him despite having met him when he tried to effectually run away and she loathed him for that at first. Aka, we needed some stupid reason to save the protagonist. Far better option would have been to let the guy die heroically.