HW V3 093
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Ohhh yeah these ladies. I remember them. They are for reals nutso.
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Ohhh yeah these ladies. I remember them. They are for reals nutso.
My favorite new characters from the second arc!
Hmmm that says a lot about you.
What can I say?
Talking animals are cute, and exiled princes of hell are… exiled princes of hell! But none of them can beat the three sisters messing around, rambling constantly, and just being generally condescending….
Hmmm, guess it does say a lot that I like them…
Sure they don’t get that much practice with it, but not even a hello? Hello, rude much? And what does it say about a cafeteria that rarely sees the same customer twice…? 😀
You might want try your hands on textile-industry. I hear you’re pretty good with some thread and a pair of scissors. They say their works with those are simply to die for.
They aren't really the fates in the traditional sense. You'll never see them weaving or cutting someone's thread. That being said, in the script (which no one but Michael Odom, my editor, and alpha readers get to read) they are named Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos.
And that's why they'll never understand why this cafeteria thing just isn't working…
That or they finally find out that staying in one place helps the odds for patrons to find you for a second time. 😀
spaghetti and meatballs
Them again. This is going to be interesting.