Episode 97
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Thanksgiving and Valentines Day won’t really be appearing in the main storyline of “Holiday Wars.” We will get a brief glimpse of them in a quick scene near the midpoint of the story, but that’s it. However they will both show up in “Tales of Holiday’s Past” and in the prequel novel!
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"Western" holidays? Aren't OUR holidays the "Western" holidays?
TYPO! I gotta walk the dogs and then I'll fix it. Thanks for pointing that out.
man does that mean we won't get to see Valentines day? I wanted to see if he's a chubby little baby with wings and a sadistic and sarcastic attitude… T.T
As I said, Valentines Day makes a brief cameo in the main storyline and you'll get to see her again in "Tales of Holiday's Past." As for cupid, did you see this blog post from awhile back: https://holiday-wars.com/blog/2010/11/11/webco…
oops sorry i guess i missed the cameo part…
and the cupids look so cute!
Yeah Michael Odom (our penciler) did a great job with the little guys.
Halloween is Sweden. Those neutral bastards.