Episode 307 & 308
You guys now have a pretty clear cut idea as to who will be back again in Volume 2!
Our kickstarter project will launch on April 23rd. It is imperative that we start off strong because it needs to look viable if we want non-fans to support it. So please if you plan to support the kickstarter make a pledge within the first 48 hours. This is our only chance to bring Volume 1 to print and we really need your help.
How does Kickstarter Work?
Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing funding site. Meaning if people pledge the full amount that we are asking then the book will go to print. If we don’t make the full amount then no money is exchanged. It’s a way for you guys to be involved risk free and to score some cool rewards.
Other NEWS:
I want to give you all a heads up on some stuff that is happening at the end of April. Our Schedule looks something like this:
April 13th – Volume 1 Ends
April 16th-20th – No Regular updates. Instead we will burn off the rest of “The Calling†story, which is our last Tales of Holiday’s Past story.
April 23rd –  Volume 2 launches. New Website Launches. Kickstarter for Volume 1 Launches.
April 23rd – May 11th – Three weeks of contests promoting Volume 2. We plan to give away gift cards, a kindle, a nook, and several other awesome prizes.
Right now the plan is for the comic to use a MTThF schedule once the contest is over on May 11th. So that means you’ll be getting FOUR main story updates a week.
Now all I have to do is figure out what just happened
The fool exploded from Holiday-Spirit overload, and for some magical reason, the holidays in the area are healed (mostly).
That's the gist of it.
still a trap
Yep. Volume 3 is called "Fools Game" and it turns out that The Fool when he exploded implanted himself into everyone and the whole world becomes pod people. Kind of like what The Master did a few seasons ago on "Doctor Who."
…or no it's not a trap.
You referenced Doctor Who! That means you just gained even more awesomeness points!
"Doctor Who" is my girlfriend's favorite TV show. So we are no strangers to it in my house.
I'd probably list it in my top 5 current favorite shows, which is saying something cause I watch a heck of a lot of scripted TV. If it's not a procedural drama and on a major network I probably watch the show.
Your girlfriend has excellent taste.
What are the other four?
My top 5 shifts and changes as certain shows are more or less enjoyable durring a current season. As of this week my top five is most likely:
Doctor Who – 'nuff said
The Good Wife – it may sound "girly" but the writing on this show is phenomenal.
New Girl – This totally stole "Modern Family's" spot.
Once Upon a Time – The show is bad. The writing is bad. The character development is bad… and yet I can't stop watching.
Parks and Rec – Ron Swanson needs to be listed as one of the greatest TV characters of all time.
Honorable mentions: Game of Thrones, Community, Dexter, Chuck (would've been in the top 5 if it wasn't canceled), Breaking Bad, & Switched at Birth.
I think that Wallace will make a return. He had to be in that cocoon of tree roots for some reason, he might have been in the blast radius of… That explosion thing, and maybe now he's healed up.
Then again, 2+2 in this universe could mean anything, so I could be wrong
The rule I used was pretty simple. If someone was alive and the blast hit them then they were healed by it. So the question becomes whether or not Wallace was or wasn't dead and then if he was alive was he within radius of the explosion?
So why doesn't Opposite have his arm back?
Good question. I want to know why too.
Because his arm is gone. The light had a healing effect not a growing-back effect.
So moments before, Opposites stub was still needing to be cauterized, it was bleeding, and he was in a lot of pain. Now his stub is healed over and he is no longer cut or bleeding. …make sense?
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust…muhahaha
Pretty much.
*coughs* Teddy was in range of that too
Teddy was DEAD. Taylor on the other hand was still bleeding to death. So there are no future plans to see Teddy again (unless it's in a flash back).
This has been an awesome ride. I'm so stoked now for Volume 2!
Thanks, so am I.
Writing wise, I'm more than 2 years ahead of where the current story is so it's like "OH MY GOSH hurry up and catch-up to where I am!!!!"
I knew Tegan was going to live to make it to Volume 2, but for some reason I was still nervous about it. It's nice to know now that the bad guys are gone and she's safe!
So the real question is… does she make it to Volume 3???
Nooo! Why does April Fools have to be dead? He was the bestest character ever.
Tegan did it.
Taylor is alive?! That is the greatest news ever!!!
I think he feels the same way.
I gotta admit that like a year and a half ago when I first found Holiday Wars I never thought I would stick around but instead of being a cheeseball spoof it turned into an amazing story and now im hooked and excited for book 2.
Mom, is that you?
Seconded, I had high hopes, but I never thought I'd be so hooked as to check this site as soon as I wake up, lol
Well it looks like the holiday spirit found a new host. Which means, Will Tegan keep her immunity to the world tree? I'm just a little curious about Tegan's heritage, you know with all the crazy stuff and all wouldn't it be nice to at least see who one of her ancestors was?
Tegan's still the bearer of The Holiday Spirit. She didn't give it up. Think of her kind of as a filter. She can point and direct where it goes and what it does.
As for her heritage, that will be addressed before all 9 books of "Holiday Wars" are done.
So. Really now. When a holiday or some other whateversaurus dies, it stays dead? Even though in case of the holidays, they are still celebrated and/or noted?
Just to check.
I've said that a few times throughout the comments of Volume 1. You may have simply missed me saying that. Dead is dead.
I won't say anything else at this point about it other than if you want to know more go back and re-look at Flag Day's funeral scene.
And now to wrap up. 🙂 Bravo, Scott and Company! I am looking forward to the 23rd!
We still have a few more scenes/pages that will wrap up Volume 1. Remember it doesn't end till the 13th (not this Friday but Next Friday).
Yeah, but we're moving into that nice end-of-story feeling. At least I am. It's a good thing, Scott, don't worry.
I'm wondering if all that energy also healed the tree. Based on Scott's reply to Grindzy I would think it did.
The fate of The World Tree should be clear by the end of Volume 1.
scott i notice something in the last 2 pages you seem to have forgotten that taylor being run thru!!!
there no wound on his mid section, only on his shoulder where the bunny first attacked him
We just got rid of the blood completely on this page because when it was still there it wasn't clear how/if he was healed or what happened.
For the other page that should've been fixed. I'll re-upload it next week when I set up a huge chunk of Vol 2 pages to auto post.
Is that a hand drawn into the pile of ashes? (just below the twinkle)
Looks like it, but it's not. Good eye!
its fool waving goodbye to us hehe