I know. I know… not that exciting. However I have some good news. I messed up the math. As a result, as of next Wednesday we will be doing double size episodes until the end of Volume 1!

Our kickstarter project will launch on April 23rd. It is imperative that we start off strong because it needs to look viable if we want non-fans to support it. So please if you plan to support the kickstarter make a pledge within the first 48 hours. This is our only chance to bring Volume 1 to print and we really need your help.

How does Kickstarter Work?
Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing funding site. Meaning if people pledge the full amount that we are asking then the book will go to print. If we don’t make the full amount then no money is exchanged. It’s a way for you guys to be involved risk free and to score some cool rewards.

Other NEWS:
I want to give you all a heads up on some stuff that is happening at the end of April. Our Schedule looks something like this:

April 13th
 – Volume 1 Ends

April 16th-20th – No Regular updates. Instead we will burn off the rest of “The Calling” story, which is our last Tales of Holiday’s Past story.

April 23rd
 –  Volume 2 launches. New Website Launches. Kickstarter for Volume 1 Launches.

April 23rd – May 11th
 – Three weeks of contests promoting Volume 2. We plan to give away gift cards, a kindle, a nook, and several other awesome prizes.

Right now the plan is for the comic to use a MTThF schedule once the contest is over on May 11th. So that means you’ll be getting FOUR main story updates a week.