Episode 303 & 304
Our kickstarter project will launch on April 23rd. It is imperative that we start off strong because it needs to look viable if we want non-fans to support it. So please if you plan to support the kickstarter make a pledge within the first 48 hours. This is our only chance to bring Volume 1 to print and we really need your help.
How does Kickstarter Work?
Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing funding site. Meaning if people pledge the full amount that we are asking then the book will go to print. If we don’t make the full amount then no money is exchanged. It’s a way for you guys to be involved risk free and to score some cool rewards.
Other NEWS:
I want to give you all a heads up on some stuff that is happening at the end of April. Our Schedule looks something like this:
April 13th – Volume 1 Ends
April 16th-20th – No Regular updates. Instead we will burn off the rest of “The Calling†story, which is our last Tales of Holiday’s Past story.
April 23rd –  Volume 2 launches. New Website Launches. Kickstarter for Volume 1 Launches.
April 23rd – May 11th – Three weeks of contests promoting Volume 2. We plan to give away gift cards, a kindle, a nook, and several other awesome prizes.
Right now the plan is for the comic to use a MTThF schedule once the contest is over on May 11th. So that means you’ll be getting FOUR main story updates a week.
Yeah Tegan is going to need a lot of shampoo.
Chewy looking. I wonder what The Fool tastes like.
Like a peanut butter and boloney sandwich.
According to my English friends a fool is a fruit flavored desert some where between a pudding and a parfete so my guess would be strawberry
On, forgot to add this:
And thus, came and end to the Fool. Muhahah, this really made my day
Are you sure he's dead?
DARN YOU! You couldn't let me have a good day without popping my bubble, could you?!
(I like being melodramatic)
I'm sorry 🙁
I'll come clean. He's deader than a door nail. Kaput. Six feet under. Gone.
Whoa man, I was just joking. No need for spoilers (or sarcasm). I like what you're doin'.
Its ok. I was lying. He's still alive.
boom goes the fool, now comes the part of cleaning up, i not going to do it!
i elect scott…. janitor to clean up after this mess
Where's Friday? He's not doing anything. Make him do it.
nope has to be you you created the fool and you made him get over confidence on trying to kill tegan only, right you get to clean up your mess err creation…
However, it's already been demonstrated that the Fool can turn himself into a liquid-like substance to change his shape; what's stopping him from reforming himself from all those little bits, T-1000-style?
If he's DEAD. He can't reform. So the real question is whether or not he's dead.
I think he got fried. He can't reform when he's dead.
I said that.
As we asked the question after the Bunny got eaten, so must we ask now… is the Fool truly gone? I tend to think so, but even the bits of T-1000 somehow found their way to re-merge again. And even if they don't re-merge, I wouldn't be surprised if the bits of Fool would somehow still capable of nastiness.
I agree. I think he's dead.
I think he's dead too.
I'm not sure I agree. I think he might still be alive.
See, this is why we don't deal with alternate universes. First Alternate She-Hulk sleeps with the Juggernaught, and now we can't even tell which Scott King is OUR Scott King.
I had more fun replying this way then just being coy or not responding to posts today. 🙂
That's pretty much how Tegan feels.
I think it makes perfect sense. She didn't just make him fat till he exploded. She force feed him too much energy than he could handle. Its like if you took the power of a nuclear reactor and forced it into a AA battery. It would it go boom.
That's a close analogy. It was too much energy for April Fools to process all at once. He literally couldn't contain it.
Awww The Fool is one of my favorite characters. I hope he's not really gone.
I think you might be right. There is a good chance he's alive.
i don't hink he really gone he might just need awhile to recombine since there alot of those peices left that can become him
I really think he's dead this time.
you sure? he said he found a way to control pieces of him that wasnt near him or separated from him.
Actually I think this will be the end for this Fool. But since the day is still remembered and believed in, a new avatar of April Fools will take shape one day.
Perhaps not the same as he is no, pray tell it might end up being she (prankster girls are truly evil…).
That's a nice idea, but I'm fairly confident that he's going to live through this and that we will see him again.
Damn you Alternate Scott!
I don't think the pieces of Fool will recombine. Rather, I think each will form a tiny "mini-Fool", and these hundreds, perhaps thousands of tiny avatars of chaos will create havoc far and wide.
(Ever seen "Army of Darkness"? )
I know my pop culture! Of course I've seen "Army of Darkness." I never really got the appeal of either "Evil Dead" but "Army of Darkness" was always a favorite of mine.
This is my BOOMSTICK!
I'm sorry. I'm pretty sure he's dead.
This is NOT where I expected the story to go but Im loving it. I also think it makes perfect sense. Its like a ciruit overloading from too much energy.
That's about right.
I think he'll survive somehow.
Maybe. Maybe not.
In that situation, I think I'd wind up bobbing my hair.
Or shaving your head bald and then taking a bath in hydrogen peroxide.
I'm thinking those blobs must be gooseberries. What else would a fool be made of.
In the original script I first describe the fool's substance (durring the fight with Taylor) as "a thick syrup that moves and flows like ink."
Maybe Tegan should get Spring Cleaning to tidy it all up! That's an…observance?
You totally should've said that comment as a reply to DarkMyste's comment earlier!!
…as of now there is no plans for Spring Cleaning. Mostly because it's not really an observance. How many people do you know that honestly regularly celebrate it? I don't know anyone.
Yeah. If there WERE a Spring Cleaning, it would probably be to Winter what Observances are to Holidays.
Could be.
Pi Day could clean it up…with mathematical precision. BAM!
Pie Day is an observance! He's on my list. Though there aren't any current plans to see him any time soon.
Oh No Fool!
So, did the Easter Bunny survive that? Because I don't think he was dead yet. Shoot, with all that holiday spirit in the Fool, did the Bunny get his back?!
The Bunny is dead. Once someone/thing is eaten by The Fool it's gone. There is no coming back.
While the Fool had to go after what he had done why couldn't she wait to kill him until she found out what the bigger threat was?
The running theory is that it's Winter. I will neither confirm nor deny the theory.
Of course we have some guesses but it won't help Tegan know what the new threat is.
Well, obviously he's going to come back more powerful than ever. As a Zombie Tyrannosaurus!! oh wait.
He will fake his own death to take the place of a trusted colleague! Oh. Wait.
Third times the charm?
Probably not.