Episode 302
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
I felt bad for The Bunny. I don’t feel bad for April Fools.
I want to give you all a heads up on some stuff that is happening at the end of April. Our Schedule looks something like this:
April 13th – Volume 1 Ends
April 16th-20th – No Regular updates. Instead we will burn off the rest of “The Calling†story, which is our last Tales of Holiday’s Past story.
April 23rd –  Volume 2 launches. New Website Launches. Kickstarter for Volume 1 Launches.
April 23rd – May 11th – Three weeks of contests promoting Volume 2. We plan to give away gift cards, a kindle, a nook, and several other awesome prizes.
Right now the plan is for the comic to use a MTThF schedule once the contest is over on May 11th. So that means you’ll be getting FOUR main story updates a week.
badabooom!!! continued
We'll see.
If the Fool doesn't explode, he'll soon be big enough to host a Lady Gaga concert.
Why does it gotta be Lady Gaga? Why not Justin Bieber?
But isn't he already "hosting" them? Or did he mean some other unlawful Hell-abominations that are far too horrible to witness and can turn you into stone even without direct eyecontact AND still make your eyes and ears bleed? 😀
And has anyone considered the idea that he might be…
He's formidable figure who could do a great deal of good. If he wanted/had a reason to.
He's just a wee bit bad on the teamplayer-stats…
LOL ya just a wee bit on the bad side.
…well actually he's kind of on his own side. Let's call it the grey side.
And now that I actually took a look at the matter, he said he had killed the demons… Only Gods had been eaten…
Well at least there wont be any Bieber-bits flying around. 🙂
But really. He's relatively young day, it's in his nature not to care and he's even still worried by things his old man could pull (sure it could have been an excuse, but…). So… How is he actually evil? Volative, yes.
But given a century or ten of chaos and anarchy, he might actually grow to be quite benevolent ruler of everything. Heck, he'd be a God, whose honest about having screwed sense of humour. 😛
But…this is what he *wanted*, right? Be careful what you wish for…
Something tells me this is not going the exact way he planned.
pop gose the moron….
He's not a moron. He's a FOOL!
Noooo don't kill April Fools. He's my favorite character!!!
You've killed so many awesome people already. Please don't take him away from us too. Please.
I'm not doing anything. It's all Tegan. So plead your case to her, not me.
You heartless godling of an Author, you.
I didn't kill Friday. So I can't be THAT heartless.
Fair enough.
We definitely love you for that. 😀
He actually believes he is right, that what he did is excusable. Probably part of his Fey nature that he has so little regard for other lives. Trouble is, he's proved far too dangerous to let live. His manipulations have decimated the Holiday personifications. I assume that, since they are based on Human Belief, new versions of them will rise eventually but they won't be the same. This may be justice, but in the words of Mr T "I pity the fool!"
You're 100% right. April Fools does have some remorse (he isn't as heartless as he appears in Volume 1) but at the end of the day he truly believes what he's done is right.
A prankster unexploded is nobodies fool.
Wow… A Court Jester reference. Danny Kaye would be proud. 🙂
Old jokes I've got and I've got quite a lot.
I'll admit it. I had to google the reference.
Google is wonderful but I have this on beta in Prismacolor.
Say… what if that while Tegan was 'feeding' the Fool that she was force feeding the various entities and holidays that the Fool had eaten over the years?
It's a good theory and I've gotten a few emails of people asking of that is what's going to happen.
…but it's not. Once April Fools eats something & absorbed it, it's gone. The process can't be undone. They are dead.
That would be a bit too much like Red Riding Hood.
Yes, the world definitely needs another psychopath…
Just one? Maybe it needs like 14!
I am still curious how a shapeshifter can be killed by making it bigger?
@Flamedryad, I can drink 10 gallons of water, over several days, however if I try it in over 2 or 3 hours it would kill me. Same thing here
@bigbearseviltwin You aren't a quasi-God and a shapeshifter (I think) that can take any shape. Hasn't the fool been a T-rex before and he just ate a creature that was easily 4 foot tall and it only caused a tiny bulge. Which was probably for the comedy more then any actual effect.
Read through some of the comments of the next episode. Some people are talking about it.