Episode 300
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
Holy crap. We are up to Episode 300! That means we are super close to the end of Book 1.
I want to give you all a heads up on some stuff that is happening at the end of April. Our Schedule looks something like this:
April 13th – Volume 1 Ends
April 16th-20th – No Regular updates. Instead we will burn off the rest of “The Calling†story, which is our last Tales of Holiday’s Past story.
April 23rd –  Volume 2 launches. New Website Launches. Kickstarter for Volume 1 Launches.
April 23rd – May 11th – Three weeks of contests promoting Volume 2. We plan to give away gift cards, a kindle, a nook, and several other awesome prizes.
Right now the plan is for the comic to use a MTThF schedule once the contest is over on May 11th. So that means you’ll be getting FOUR main story updates a week.
oh i feel a holiday power surge coming on for tegan…
/ducks for cover
…maybe the Fool with have a surge protector and be fine?
Meaning – it doesn't HAVE to affect… HIM…
I switched it. It was supposed to be The Fool being The Fool but a lot of readers found it too distracting.
Ut-oh. yea, don't think this is going to be fun for the Fool soon.
But the Fool loves having fun 🙁
to quote a classic comic with something I think is about to fit… "IT'S CLOBBERIN TIME!" the fool about to learn id name fits him….
It always comes back to hubris.
In ToHP, Santa was going to use the power of the Holiday Spirit to protect humanity from the supernatural creatures they could no longer notice. Exactly how does the Fool come by the belief that having absorbed power from those same creatures means he can't be affected by the spirit? Sounds like he's about to find out if that's true or not but I'm betting on true.
The Holiday Spirit cannot be directly used on anything that's not a Holiday. So Santa didn't go around blasting supernatural creatures with it. Instead he powered himself up. …does that clarify that bit?
WHO are Tegan's parents, anyway? It's not like Santa would give all that power to a random orphan child…would he>
I do know the answer. If I decide to address it in the comic, it will be awhile before I do.
So there's little to no chance that she's Santa, Jr. That would be interesting, to say the least. But hey, so far your plans have proven entertaining.
I'm not opening or closing any doors regarding her parentage. You'll just have to sit tight and then wait and see how it plays out.
It's the essence of belief….AND?! Gah, tomorrow is always too far away.
Not tomorrow. Tomorrow is a ToHP update. You have to wait till FRIDAY!
If it makes you feel better at the end of April for 3 weeks we will be updating 5 days a week and then shift back to a MTThF schedule. That's good, right?
Nearly seven billions humans? I thought we are already past that point. Then again, these events might be taking place a year or so ago. 😉
I wrote Volume 1 three and a half years ago. Then when lettering I didn't bother to google to see what the current population was. It turns out we passed 7 billion last October.
…so let's just chalk it up to Tegan being a teenage girl and simply doesn't know.
Or some simply not celebrating Holidays or believing in them as strongly as others.
Not to mention that Tegan might not have checked the latest news on population, either?