Episode 298
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
What’s the plural term for “April Fools?”
I want to give you all a heads up on some stuff that is happening at the end of April. Our Schedule looks something like this:
April 13th – Volume 1 Ends
April 16th-20th – No Regular updates. Instead we will burn off the rest of “The Calling†story, which is our last Tales of Holiday’s Past story
April 23rd –  Volume 2 launches with 6 pages. New Website Launches. Kickstarter for Volume 1 Launches.
April 23rd – May 11th – Three weeks of contests promoting Volume 2. We plan to give away gift cards, a kindle, a nook, and several other awesome prizes.
Right now the plan is for the comic to use a MWThF schedule once the contest is over on May 11th. So that means you’ll be getting FOUR main story updates a week. We still aren’t sure yet if during the contest we will update every day or not. I’ll keep you all posted.
You show him, Tegan!
($10 bucks says she cries before this is over)
You think? So far we've only ever seen her tear up once and even then it wasn't full on crying.
Pain and humiliation tends to have ways of making people tear up involuntarily.
But she's not the same girl she used to be and even then she's never been one to easily cry. Go re-read the start and when Beth is trash talking her… She does act emo for an episode or two but then she breaks Beth's nose!
Yeah Tegan's a tough chick. It took almost freezing to death alone before we saw any real emotional break.
Hmm. In the first panel I think "mellodrama" has an L too many.
And I'm rooting for Tegan.
I totally fixed that last week but forgot to re-upload the page. Thanks! It's taken care of now.
April Foolses? Since April Fools is in sense his name, we treat it as such. Many members of "Fools"-family goes by the plural "Foolses".
There is also reference for using '-mark, but as Grammar Girl says:
"Never use an apostrophe to make a name plural. Apostrophes are for possessives."
But now I'm really curious about which gods AF ate? And demons? Just to go by the idea that AF has no real reason to outright lie…
Just how many things have physical representation in your world?
Or is it more or less everything, like in Finder's Keepers?
There's a lot going on in the "Holiday Wars" Universe. It will all be addressed… eventually.
We saw Gods in Tales of Holiday's past. I'm not sure demons are that much more of a stretch. I think we are starting to see that the end of Book 1 isn't just the big end all big climax we thought it was going to be. I'm getting the impression now that it's just the tip of the iceburg of whats to come.
I've said before a few times that this is a 9 book series. So yeah we are JUST at the start of things.
If you re-read te tohp story that explains the creation of the holiday spirit it talks about supernatural creatures. My impression is that for all these centuries there have been all these other creatures and Santa has been protecting humans from them. With him gone I'm thinking no one is doing that anymore. That's probbally where /what WINTER is in the second book.
Good Theory. You'll know in about a month if you are right or not.
Am I the only one who's not sure how the heck she's going to get out of this?
I really want Black Friday to swoop in and save her… but I don't want that to happen. I feel like Tegan has to save herself and it's not right if he just comes in and rescues her. Plus I think we've seen enough at this point to know that scott woudln't just do what was expected anyway.
I know what happens… but I'm not going to tell. Muhahahahha!
And I thought one April Fools was bad enough!
Watch this will be like a scifi show where everytime she kills an april fools two more will rise from his dead body!
Ohhh I'm thinking now of that "Star Trek" tribbles episode but with FOOLS!
Well, for each Fool that is created, they keep the same mass as the original. Therefore, his attempt at surrounding her is actually weakening him allowing for her to be more able to smack through him to get out of there.
…it could be that Taylor was wrong and that April Fools was playing along.
Yeah, but you forgot that the Fool can alter his shape to however he wants it. Which means that he can have pinchers or whatever that are sharp enough to cut through steel!
And did anyone else get the impression that Tegan had an "Oh, $@#&!." expression/moment?
Pretty much at this power level you're right. April Fools can shift into anything he's eaten and I promise you, he's eaten a lot of things over the centuries. Even Brussels Sprouts!
On a completely different note, I wonder if Hallowe'en and All Saints Day ever fought it out.
If you haven't you might want to read the "ToHP" story "New Pantheon."
The answer to your question is in there.
Ive eat demons, i've eaten gods, but that all ended.
till i took a arrow to the knee?
i had to do it the way he was saying that line, just reminded me of that joke in skyrim
scott is there a reason, why the root is making the shocked look as well that tegan is holding or did you forget to make the shocked line over her head only extend to what she holding because the root is showing its own.
Mr. Krabs?
I know that I was wrong involving the Bunny being absorbed into the tree but I still think that Tegan will somehow use the tree. Maybe she could use it against The Fool.
A plural of Fools is a circus. Duh.