Episode 296
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
There you have it (as most of you suspected). April Fools is immune.
I knew he gained the power of what he ate! Called IT!
And remember wayyyy back when with the Taylor fight? That's what he tried to do with him.
He is a flatworm?!
Oh and happy Commonwealth day! (and 8 hour day and Labor day … in AU. My calendar is full of holidays days)
I'm not sure I get the reference you are trying to make. Are you saying he's a parasite or what exactly?
Sure…. That and I just watched the movie Phantoms, again.
That explains it.
If April Fool is so powerful, then why all the subterfuge? His last speech bubble should read "your" not "you're."
As to the power issue… he's strong but he still not near the level of one of The Big Six. Think of it more along the lines that it's not so much him being uber powerful it's that he's not a pure human holiday and thus his strength is not solely tied to The Holiday Spirit.
"…won't work on me."
Yeah, because AF *always* tells the truth.
Yeah he could easily be lying.
It might just have a partial effect on him.
I believe there's a second "the" in the second bubble of the last pannel, it says "Over the 'the' centuries…"
Furthermore, for once, I actually predicted something, though it was obvious 😛
Am I the only one that thinks April Fool is soon due for a stomach ache and a *regurgitation*? Probably sometime during his monologue-ing. I cannot see Easter going away so easily and so permanently.
Food poisoning?
Or Tegen re-powering Easter so he can burst out of Fool's stomach, kill him, and then simply de-power Easter again.
Here's wondering if the wielder of Holiday Spirit is able to return/enhance the powers of absorbed holidays…
Might make someone feel a weeeeee bit uncomfy…
Thou the other refered "beings"… Sucks to be them.
Like aliens but with The Bunny. Gross.
So, was AP just waiting around to make sure SOMEONE had the holiday spirit and then eat the loser? He seems like the type of amoral, and for the lack of a better term, "person" that would cover all his bases, good and evil. I'm assuming he can't just take the holiday spirit, or he wouldn't have had a use for either of them.
I can't say anything else about his motives other than what's in the story. You'll just have to have some faith and know that I know what his reasons are.
…and I was just reading through the old comics, I miss tough as nails Groundhog Day. :o(
Awww Chester. RIP.
Despite his love of tricks, like Loki, I'm pretty sure Fool of April might actually mean some good. Maybe something to do with his father. I wouldn't chalk Fool up to being completely evil, maybe just desperate, the way the bunny was.
This is the first time in the main story we've seen or heard of any hint of April Fool's dad Puck.
Didn't we see April Fools birth in one of the "Tales of Holidays Past"? Now while he doesn't have the power of one of the big six why didn't he just tell the holidays of what he believed was an impending danger, and not use the Easter Bunny to start war. While you are lacking as an individual Allies make you strong. While it's true a weak person can take down a stronger person with skill, April Fools he's lacking in both physical strength and skill. He is however highly skilled at tactics and plans, which he just proved recently. So why not bring all the holidays together as an army against his father? Why play all the holidays against each other in this farce of a war?
April Fools would have been best friends with Opposite Day.
I guess Puck, the archetypal trickster, might conceivably be worse than the Fool…pity, I always liked Puck, both in Shakespeare's play and Kipling's novels.