Episode 295
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
And now back to the main action!
News: It seems that maybe 2-3% of our actual readers read the blog. So when I do the new site redesign I’m probably going to kill it.
In related news though, if you missed the teaser image for Volume 2 then you can check it out here:
Wow. Smooth talker, there.
He'z gotz madz skillz.
Isn't she 16 years old in this? O_o
You don't think she's old enough or mature enough to handle this?
She is 16 but he's not actually hitting on her. As some of the other commenters noted he's provoking/taunting her.
If vampires can date teenagers why can't Holidays?
Ewww Tegan would NEVER be into April Fools.
The Fool would be a better boyfriend than Edward. At least he as a personality (even if it is a twisted one).
If anything, April Fools has too much personality.
She's glowing again!
Is she? I didn't notice.
And Glowing means power.
I thought Knowledge is power?
That's a lie they teach in school. Along with gravity and happiness.
Awwww Wallace! I miss him!
Technically we only knew the REAL Wallace for a handful of episodes. The Wallace we got to know was always April Fools in disguise. So really you miss April Fools being Wallace.
I miss him too and it just dawned on me how many characters we've lost since the start of this story:
Flag Day
Ground Hog's Day
Earth Day
The Bunny
Don't forget: Super Bowl Sunday, Administrative Assistants Day, The Real Talk Like A Pirate Day… and I'm sure there is more I'm not thinking of at the moment.
Saint Pat’s day and Icecream day? And Lord knows how many others…
Talking about dieties, Valhalla has god-folk, as do other religions as well…
In your world, is Jahve a burning bush? I don’t all too quickly recall any other forms which “The God” has ever taken beside that one…
Yeah but they died in ToHP. I was just counting deaths in the main storyline.
As for gods or God Im going to decline to answer other than say make sure you read or reread the Old Debts story. Gods exist in our world but other than what appears in that story Im not ready to say anything else.
Then we still lack the main-man himself. The ever-jolly and wobbly like jelly: Santa. He died during the main story.
Yeah. I got them being around from there, just was curious about the one I'm following. They just don't give you any good idea of what He looks like. Yes, kinda the point with Him, why not Her? *Gasp*
I say we go with Morgan Freeman.
Santa counts. I didn't think about it cause it was a flashback but yet he technically kicks the bucket during the main storyline.
What about a female Morgan Freeman?
Did he… *DundunDUUUUUUN Plotpoint…*
We never really do see him die… We are just to assume Bunny finished him off…
Now that would be something, most holy, sarcastic in good nature AND motherly. Though makes me wonder if we'd have as much freedom as we do with Her. Mothers are what mothers are. At least the good ones. Lovable, caring and as such always in your way when trying to have rowdy fun time. XD
Fathers usually like to let their kids learn from their mistakes. Which, granted, is not always smart…
Getting a bit off-topic, aren't we?
What's the Fool's master plan? Also, I realized something, what is keeping The Fool from impersonating The Easter Bunny? No one except for Teagan knows he's dead.
Also, will this volume end on April 1st?
Keep reading!
Why would April Fools want to pretend to be The Bunny?
And I think Volume 1 will end on the 13th of April. I know for sure that Volume 2 will launch on April 23rd.
Why is the Bunny a threat to the fool, but not Valentine's Day or Thanksgiving? Wouldn't they have been easier to kill?
By pretending to be the Bunny he could assume control of his forces… assuming he can't do that already… Hmm…
I'm going to decline to answer.
Fool's acting like his holiday again you just killed the ONE person she actually cared for.. and that's not a good thing to make them remember on how angry they are after assuming that form…
that or maybe he wants her to be angry so she cant think straight..
as for the Classic team-up one the partner either dies or lives after everything is over…
so now the only question is… how long do we wait to see if tegan can take away fools powers
I think you're right. I don't think he is actually hitting on her. i think he is trying to provoke her which is a pretty dumb thing to do.
My guess is you'll know these answers by the end of next week.
I actually laughed at the kissing thing line. It makes the Fool sound so awkward and inexperienced which almost definitely isn't the case. So now, what's the next bit in the Fool's wonderplan. Is he going to team up with her and destroy the Frost Giants (I'm assuming that's what Winter's Wrath means) or is he going to turn on her? And by all means, what's Tegan going to do? Team up with the Fool because he looks like (and is) the person she fell in love with or take her own path out?
Yeah personally I thought the line was funny and that it was clear he was taunting her. I guess some people thought he was being sincere. I blame the writer.
I thought he was sincerely taunting her, if that helps.
Physiologically, if Fool is a sociopath or a narcissist, this makes sense. He doesn't feel bad about what he's done, but he likes the attention Tegan gave him when he was pretending to be Wallace (being friendly, making him feel special & loved). Sociopaths ADORE that feeling. And those kind of people think they can manipulate others easily (most can, by the way).
I know because I have two family members with disorders like that.
He's a little narcissistic but he's not a sociopath. The Fool has feelings/emotions.
Sociopathy is "a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood." It means he doesn't have a conscience. I think the idea that sociopath's don't have feelings due to how loosely the term is used.
He has a conscience. The Bunny on the other hand doesn't he's a full official sociopath.
Hahaha, I took the kissing line as a bit of snarky bantering humor. Gotta say, I like the Fool as a villain better than the Bunny. Maybe it's my twisted humor.
If you re-read Volume 1 knowing what you know now you'll see that The Bunny was never really the villain.