Episode 292
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
And now we are back to Friday!
It might be nothing, but I'm curious: What day is it, in the comic?
It's mid march.
its has to be the look in his eyes and the way he laughing
Nope. The closest Holiday to the day of this scene is taking place is St. Patrick's Day and he's dead.
wait does the comic follow real time holidays celebration?s
i.e if st.Patrick day in the real world it will be st. Patrick or in the comic?
you was never really clear on that scott i read the whole archive and been following as we all know Patrick died, but we was never infotrmed or lead to belive that all the holiday comics characters days folow the actual days of there empowerment in the real world
if anyone confused i am sorry i know i probably repeated my self few times
Sorry if I wasn't clear.
"Holiday Wars" Volume 1 started in early March. We are now in mid-march for the current scene. It's just a coincidence that our real life calendar is almost in sync with the story.
On the other hand Volume 2 starts in June (several months after the end of Volume 1) and the story consists of about a week's time in-story.
Does that make sense?
It's the middle of the day though? The 'Holiday Boost' effect takes place immediately at midnight, which I assume would especially hold true for BF.
It's possibly the other theory stated, that Tegan is giving him a boost in addition to depowering the Bunny.
And there are no glowy light thingies.
That would be sooo awesome. That or Tegan is boosting him up, like Tam Kasey said.
(Just kidding)
I'm also thinking that with the holiday spirit, what Tegan takes away from the rabbit she might be able to give to another.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
actually energy can be created and redirected , but destroyed no but can be used till its weakened which would mean the energy from the bunny was recycled to whom or was it given back to the tree?
Ah, what Santa Claus could have been, if the public conception of him was influenced by Lord of the Ring… http://gregor-comics.com/?webcomic_post=my-turn
More like AWESOME!!!
Quite possibly Friday's finest line. 😀 Tremble, Teddy, your turn is over!
Doesn't matter. April Fools will just eat the winner anyway.
NAH!! Friday will defeat Teddy comprehensively by slicing his jugular open with a credit card, escape the carnage, and lead an underground resistance movement that will suppress all pranks and wage guerrilla warfare until the Fool is defeated for all eternity!!!
Let me check…
…ok I looked ahead. I know now for sure who wins and who dies. It should be fun.
LOL, thanks. I can now settle back and watch the apocalypse in peace, knowing it will be fun. 😉
Quit playing Fool's Advocate, Scott! I'm on to you, we BOTH know who you want to win in this story!
I want Beth to win but we've not seen her since like page 14.
What a coincidence; from the new teaser, looks like you might get your wish. Man you're lucky! The writer for this site must love you!
Happy Birthday Scott!