Episode 291
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
And now we see for the first time who the REAL bad guy of “Holiday Wars” is.
Sixteen years of planning to get rid of the Bunny and he was the forgotten all along? That isn't the spirit of practical joking. It's pure evil. Somehow I think he might not be the one behind all this though. Scott implied strongly that he might be manipulated as well and he stated Winter had never returned to this world because he feared Santa Claus. He could be the real villain after all.
I'm also wondering if one of Winter's names could be "Fimbul Winter." In the Norse mythology Fimbul Winter signals Ragnarok, the end of the world. Looks like next season things are going to ramp up big time.
Tegan looks awfully cold in that Teaser for Volume 2. Plus that earth looks kinda frozen too. Maybe your right and it's Fimbulwinter!
That is perhaps the best example of hitting the nail on the head. He was scared of Santa, well who helped get rid of the Norse Gods? Santa
And, of course, Volume 2's title does imply a winter character, another bullseye.
Thank you for that insightful little tidbit, Doc 🙂
I didn't say he was right. Just that he COULD be right.
Nice touch with the full belly. Excuse me while I have nightmares.
My job is complete.
I just want to read the whole story now. Waiting every other day for an episode drives me crazy. It's so good and I just need to know what happens!
I'll take that as a complement.
I told you to save him Tegan. Should have listened to the real person, you two dimensional, fictional character who can't hear me!
Don't forget time travel. Volume 1 was written three years ago this spring.
Doesn't the Fool realize she has the holiday spirit? He should know better than to mess with her.
He was the butterfly. So he saw everything that went down.
The Fool isn't a full holiday, he's part Fay (fey, or commonly Faery/Fairy) The Spirit won't have a full effect on him, and she's still just a human.
I think for the "Holiday Wars" universe we are officially going with "Fey" for the spelling. Also we will be referring to faerie creatures as being members of "The Fair Folk."
Is the Bunny really dead? It looks like he was swallowed whole, possibly leaving open the possibility of a Red Riding Hood resolution…? Maybe the Fool should've been a bit more patient and hacked the Bunny into rabbit stew.
The Bunny is gone.
What you're seeing is April Fools digesting. Think of it like a boa constrictor who just ate a big mouse.
I was thinking Alien but Red Ridding Hood is better way to word it. Nice.
The Bunny is too weak from Tegan's blast-thingy to be able to break out.
Think how bad it would hurt to poop out The Bunny.
Really? THATS where your mind went?
I'm giving up on trying to figure things out.
Are you at least still enjoying the story?
Well, to be completely honest, there's a bit too much mystery for me. It feels rather like an episode of Doctor Who, where you would be able to figure everything out on your own if only you had some vital piece of information which the writers have never seen fit to reveal in the last 60 years until 40 minutes into the current episode. I'll stick with you, though, and maybe I'll enjoy story 2 more.
Sorry to hear that.
Scott take his comment as a compliment cause doctor who is the best.
Why is he going to kill her?
I don't know. I gave up trying to figure out April Fools a long time ago. If you really want to know you better ask him.
She could power up another holiday to be as big a threat as the bunny, or worse.
If she powered up Stupid Question Day does that mean her questions would become exponentially stupider?
Powering up Stupid Question Day is a *very* scary thought. 🙂
I'm wondering if Tegan could resurrect Labor Day. And while you said the Bunny was dead, you also said he was too weak to break out. What if Tegan repowered the Bunny? He *might* have learned his lesson (probably not, but he should be able to take out the Fool).
And what happens to holidays that have been killed? Christmas is still going on and being celebrated as reverently and as commercially as I remember from before.
I really love the story and where it's going.
One thing going for Tegan is that she's in the Tree. That's a powerful place for her to be in.
I'm glad your enjoying the story!
I'm not going to answer a lot of your questions because most will be answered before the end of Volume one.
As for what happens to a Holiday when they die go back and re-read the bit involving Gregory' (Flag Day) funeral. Then I've also said before that the personification of a Holiday is separate from the Holiday itself. That's why we still celebrate Christmas even though Santa has been killed.
That awkward moment when you just ate your boss. I hate when that happens.
Technically The Bunny was never his boss. He was secretly The Bunny's boss. So he really ate his employee. Sort of.
They wouldn't be called resources (usually human resources but not so much in this instance) if they weren't meant to be exploited.
I can't believe you made a human resources pun and I actually laughed at it.
I am LOVING the plot twists and how the story is developing. I just cant wait to see how this ends! Though I do know Fool does not kill her, cuz she is in Vol.2.
I was concerned about spoiling that Tegan survives but she's the main character. You couldn't do the "Harry Potter" series if Harry died at the end of book one. So I figured it wasn't a big deal for letting that slip in the teaser.
I don't think the Fool has thought this through as well as he thinks he has.
We'll find out!
Take him down, Tegan! …or just run away.
There is a whole army outside. Where will she run to?
Fight fight fight!
Yep. We've now reached the climax of the story. What will happen????
I'm *really* hoping that as the writer, you aren't asking us what will happen? Could it be? Maybe the incarnation of Stupid Question Day is…
I did not expect vore in a holiday based webcomic.