Episode 288
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
I see this not ending smoothly. Since the Fool is part Fey, the spirit wont have full effect on him.
Dang I tottally forgot he wasn't only a human holiday.
i see a dead rabbit going to be stewed
I kinda wish the Bunny wasn't so terrible. Even among people I know, Easter is not the most popular holiday for some reason I can't fathom. But all I know is Peeps and Jellybeans and Spring sunshine can't be all that bad, can they?
Thing is though, I can see why in this comics world he'd be such an evil jerk. In real life the debates on Easter's origins are all over the place, but in this world he started off as a completely different type of holiday that's now fading. Whether it's Christian or another origin, the Easter Bunny is not what the holiday is supposed to be about. However, many don't even care about Easter, and many others that do just use it do play silly games and not focus on the holiday itself. Seems like three groups, with one growing smaller (the one that in this world would even keep him alive) and he is fighting for his life. He may be doing the wrong things, but he is trying to survive (though that doesn't excuse what he's done).
Of course, I could be completely wrong and he was always a jerk or maybe he's being controlled/influenced by something else. Who knows?
I thought his fear was not so much fading out of existence as it as changing any more than he already has. Maybe he is worried that he will eventually be an actual little bunny like Groundhog Day was a regular sized groundhog.
Ok Tegan, hurry up and use your powers to promote Black Friday to Holiday before he gets killed.
Im starting to think we've seen the last of Friday.
Bunny, are you trying to get yourself cut off from that sliver you have left? [shakes head] Tegan seeing that the Bunny has a control device over the Fool will probably make this harder for her. She will see him as a victim and hold back. We know that when this was introduced the Fool said it wasn't needed, he'd do this stuff anyway, but she doesn't.
I think we all know what happens next
With any luck, the Fool knocks the zapper out of the Bunny's hands, attacks him viciously, and then tries to talk Tegan into letting him go. Tegan, since she's already had her heart broken by the Fool once, and since she thinks he killed Wallace, instead drains him of his powers and chains him to the Bunny to duke it out for eternity.
…and then Scott says, "Yeah, that could happen" and does something totally different. 😛
I've thought about it and I think the fool is way more scary then the bunny. Yeah the bunny is bada$$ but he's more one note. I have no idea what the fool wants how powerful he is or anything.