Episode 284
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
Yeah yeah yeah… a bunch of you guessed this a long time ago. You were supposed to. The real question is: what’s going to happen now?
Well, thats a quick way to get yourself cut up.
Good idea, telling a psycho armed a sharp object that the one thing he's been searching for is INSIDE of you. This will end well.
i think i won the theory race here that the body is in her but the power is not
Isn't it the same thing? It can't be in her and not in her.
nope the snowflake body is the "birthmark" the power is /or in the water
remember Santa marked her and the birthmark is the same size as the snowflake so i think what he did was take the body of the snowflake made as a sign not saying its the actual snowflake to anyone just that she will lead everyone to the snowflake..
The body and the essence are separated and contained in to different places tegan finally found out what it meant hence, why she needed to get to the tree and why she looking at her reflection
Well, what if killing her sets it free, then he's not going to kill.
Yeah how does he plan to take it from her?
The other possibility is that rather than being in her it IS her. Not betting on that, but it is possible.
Now, can she buff up Friday and anyone else left alive before it's too late? Or is it already too late as Friday's off screen, we don't know if the next time we'll see him is Teddy holding his head having ripped it off bare handed. Again, not betting on this.
Oh I forgot about the Groundhog Day's story and what The Holiday Spirit can. Maybe that is what will happen she'll buff up friday and friday will kill The Bunny!!!!
I was bored and I made this chart.
(click to enlarge it)
<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1306" title="gusb (1)" src="https://holiday-wars.com/blog/../Pics/gusb-1-566×137.jpg" alt="" width="566" height="137" />
Maybe it's in her nose!!!
Bwa ha ha ha. (Also, Happy Valentines Day!)
I think the answer might be a little more obvious than that. According to ToHP, the power was given to Santa when he accidentally interfered as the Tree took on the task of hiding the supernatural from humans. The tree is older and more vast a power than even the Norse Gods who claimed it. Given that the tree is the source of that power I think it safe to say it is much more powerful. Tegan wanting to force the confrontation here isn't accidental. My theory is, she's going to try and use the Holiday Spirit to save the tree and let the tree take care of the Bunny, probably a lot more too.
DarkMyste is mostly right that way. She does have some power as the Holiday Spirit, probably quite a bit, but less than Santa had since he was a Big Six holiday and had the spirit. Here at the source of the power though, where the tree can directly focus through her, watch out!
exactly but she needed to be near the power for her part to work basically she has power that needs to be near the place that caused the snow flake and where the power came from and since she basically the body i.e the part that santa had, i think what he did was take the potwe what was actually in the snowflake puit in the water persay it came from the tree originally and his power may have augmented the power of the snowflake due being linked with the tree and gai, i would have to say that power is fragmented with what ever santa did to hide the true power of it
i have to add doc that maybe clear the head of the rabbit i.e heal him from listening to the forgotten holidays driving him to do this just to forget that Easter could only be forgotten if humanity was wiped from the face of the earth, yes he lost some things like her goddess hood, but thats was only because humanity changed gears and on the way they saw him
What does the Holiday Spirit *do*, though? Is it going to grant her all manner of butt-kicking powers? Or, if it's the thing that hides the Holidays…I think I need to reread this comic from the beginning…maybe it turns her invisible!!
Scott, I think y'all meant "think about it" in the first panel. That, or Tegan's being elliptical.
according to the past if you read the seperate story line it makes all holidays stronger and heal alot faster then normal when there named day for them is celebrated
Huh. Tegan technically doesn't have a named day. I wonder if being the Holiday Spirit means she can heal others….THERE'S HOPE FOR FRIDAY YET!!!