Episode 282
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
Uh Oh. It seems like The Bunny has finally made it to The World Tree.
Oh dear. That looks like one hot, cross bunny.
He's very determined to get what he wants.
Bwa ha ha ha!
This is what Ive been waiting for. Tegan vs The Bunny!
The final show down begins Friday!
/me plays "the final countdown"
Countdown, showdown, they're close, right?
Rock on.
….and what is with that random, happy butterfly by Friday's feet?
It's either something that I intentionally put in the script or it's some random animal that Michael our penciler added (he has a habit of adding animals onto the pages.)
I can't help but notice that you didn't give us a definite answer. You are so evil.
How about this… I did the math and we have 33 episodes left. That means Volume 1 should end on Wednesday April 25th. So you'll have your answer between now and then.
Well, Friday went down like a man with dignity. Better die at the hands of a badass like Teddy Roosevelt then so cute, demented Bunny with a god complex.
A moment of silence please… :'(