Episode 280
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
Anyone else think Friday is about to have his face stomped in like an elephant stepping on a watermelon? 🙁
/me frantically seeks out Christmas bargains to give Friday a power boost.
Wouldn't Christmas bargins boost Christmas? You'd need Black Friday bargins.
But Black Friday is about Christmas shopping.
Besides, i got an awesome Santa mug.
To be fair, NGD is celebrated internationally. Rather young, not well known, and the actual celebration dates are scattered, but international status has to count for something.
International Holidays matter. We just haven't had any scenes outside of the US (other than the North Pole) in Volume 1. We will meet a few in Volume 2.
Haha, what an interesting twist on that old idiom 🙂
At least he's keeping Teddy busy
That he is.
…and what is the pink rain in the background?
Coloring error. They were supposed to be brown leaves falling from the dying tree.
I thought they were blossom…
We had blossoms at earlier scenes in the same location, but remember the tree was severely poisoned and went brown. So they shouldn't be blossoms. They should be falling leaves from the dying tree.
Oops. 😛
Me, I am betting on a Crowning Moment of Awesome for Friday… Something totally out of left field, like, you know they have Black Friday sales "IN THE OLD SOVIET BLOC" to really strip the pants from the Presidents' Day.
We'll see. 😉
I'm just wondering if a crowd of crazed shoppers will appear, seemingly to save him, then select one of their own, beat the person to the point they need hospital treatment, then run off trying to buy all the things that one had in their cart. All the while, never even trying to attack Teddy.
No crazed shoppers. Friday is on his own.
That's 'cause he's not a full fledged holiday. Ah well, it's not like black Friday shoppers help anyone anyway.
If he lived long enough though and got enough power, I bet his minions would be less useful and less cooperative than the valentines day cherubs. Heh. But he might have managed to have the most servants.
By the way, thanks for being so active in your comments.
I think responding is important because one of the things webcomics can do that print comics can't is offer more interaction with it's readers. Plus it let's you guys know that I care!
He's actually lasting longer than I thought. Good job, Friday!
He's like one of those creepy blow-up clowns that you knock down and then they pop up again.
He doesn't need to be stomped! Just *roll*, Friday, roll out of the way!
Come on, Scott, surely y'all aren't heartless enough to kill off one of the gutsiest characters ever??
You will either really enjoy or really hate monday's episode.
dont you black friday can take a beaten just go to a store on it you will see what i mean
Everyone has their limits.
true but still i worked at Walmart and i seen an old lady throw down over some towels and she won no body wanted to mes with her after that, but still you never know
Kill Opposite or Stupid. DON"T KILL FRIDAY.
I already said that Stupid survives to Volume 2. I can't make any other promises.
heh, 42 presidents. There is at least one black friday every month…but more people celebrate black friday fsvoc. I'd say he's been holding back for a looong time. But I always thought presidents days was a stupid idea.
SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!!! Too bad he was pecked to death by a minion.