Episode 278
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
It’s re-match time!
Badass Boast….
I give him five seconds before he's a red paste on the ground.
Yeah based off what we saw in their first bout, Friday has no chance.
Ooh… I would REALLY like to see an Observance like Friday beat a full Holiday, or at least hold him off. This will be cool.
He fought of Theodore Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt. The man Death had to come for in his sleep to avoid a fight. Black Friday took him head on, basically and is still standing. As far as I'm concerned, the Bunny couldn't take Friday.
(I know it ain't really like that, but Black Friday is really proven himself hard)
But he's just an Observance! They basically have no powers.
Round 2! Black Friday vs President's Day!!! SALES SALES SALES! Let the shopping begin!
lol SALES.
Shop till you drop!
"Drop" …it's as if you are suggestion this will be a fight to the death.
it can be a drop dead, or a drop exhausted, or a drop satisfied – shopping until the customers' need is met … or not 🙂
Wait, is that Rossevelt again? I can't remember what happened to him. Darn it all!
Last we saw of him he knocked out Friday after dumping the last of the toxic waste into the river, which led to Gaia's death.
I could be wrong but let me break down my thoughts on this fight. If it only takes about 100 people to observe something to make it a observances but takes many to become a holiday. That means the more observers you have the more powerful you are.
Presidents Day: I have nothing against the holiday and way it stands for but for this comic I say this. Banks and government building close for Presidents day but most schools and businesses open as if its another day. I know I have to work and don't get to cook out or anything. So Its number of observers are shrinking. (we don't need to forget what it stands for however).
Black Friday: Part of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Just about everything closes for thanksgiving and caries over onto that Friday. You hear about Black Friday on TV (News with people outside stores), at Stores, On the Internet, and at work. This year black Friday bleed over onto thanksgiving day thanks to some stores. Black Friday gets more popular and more powerful each year.
I believe He can take presidents day and many of the lower Holidays. Maybe become a holiday one day if one of the big guns don't kill him.
What about the Superbowl? It's the most watched televised program in the world. MILLIONS upon MILLIONS watch it every year. MILLIONS are spent in advertising/marketing… yet our observance Superbowl Sunday was killed by a chick soldier.
He was a coach. The ultimate coach. The universe mandated it.
(grins spitefully as a hundred bad memories of high school gym flood through him.)
President's Day is fairly new, as Holidays go. When I was young they celebrated Washington's Birthday for five years, then Lincoln's birthday for the next five. Presidents' day was an officially mandated holiday to replace both of those, in effect combining them into one set holiday every year and making it in honor of all Presidents.
Signs are it's slowly being replaced by Martin Luther King Jr day. That may explain why Presidents' day is on the side of the Bunny. The official status can't explain everything though. Earth day is, er, was one of the Big Six. There are not nearly as many observers of it as even President's Day and it is a very young holiday, officially, as well. Yet Gaia was around from the beginning, even before holidays existed.
I don't know what makes something an observance or a holiday, or determines their ranking in the world Scott's made. I'm sure he has rules, or at least reasons, for the rankings but it can't be completely based on popularity. The ranks don't make sense if that's the only factor. It's probably a combination of age (of whatever holiday became the current one in some cases), official status, popularity and a few other things we don't know yet.
Age & Popularity are the two most prominent factors, but I do have a list and there is some more to it. As the series progresses we will start to see a little bit more of the reasons and why.
I think that Friday knows that he has no chance. He just want to give Tegan enough time to do what she need to do. All he has to do is keep Teddy busy and he will succeed in it but might die.
That's it exactly.
…the question is… is he going to die or is he going to survive???
I think that the idea that an observance isn't powerful enough to kill a holiday is a little too pat. It depends on the nature of the observance / holiday. I agree with Spok4. While President's day may have official holiday status and multiple bodies, his celebration is little more than an annual mattress sale. Black Friday's celebration is so big the American economy depends on it. He's also celebrated with leftover turkey. Presidents' Day just has 43 old turkeys.
I have a feeling that we will find out if you are right or not.
I will cry if President's Day kills Black Friday. So I really hope you are right. I don't like crying.
We know Ask A Stupid Question Day survives to appear in Volume 2. Doesn't' that make any difference?
Remember that a lot of those 'old' turkeys were military men who are trained on combat. George Washington actually fought in the Revolution. And Teddy Roosevelt had been shot at least once and kept on going.
NO! You can't let Teddy kill Friday!!!!!
I don't LET the characters do anything. They kind of just do what they want.
There is much more to Black Friday than anyone anticipated….. As a character and as an observance…. It is said that this day was originally the day the Knights Templar were hunted down, tortured, and killed, thus "Black Friday"…. Also the origins of the Friday the 13th…. The hunter of secret societies…. That would explain why he is such a hard core sleuth type…. Not sure if the legend is 100% true, but it is still neat to think in terms of this epic tale…..
The modern "Black Friday" (the day) actually originates from Philadelphia in the 60's. I can't remember off the top of my head but it had something to do with really bad traffic after Thanksgiving. However by the 70's it became a much more well known term to refer to stores budget going out of the red and into the black (meaning profit). From their it's exploded into the huge phenomenon that it is now.
Supposedly (and I couldn't find to much proof) the term "black Friday" has been used in modern times since the late 1800s to describe the stock market.
Friday the 13th (which dates back to Norse times) is a whole different thing and it's connection to the Templar is something that really originated in "The Da Vinci Code."
The way I think Friday the 13th is 'unlucky', is because of the Bible. Judas was, according to popular belief in the Medieval times, the 13th disciple of Jesus and Friday was when Jesus was hanged.
I'd die laughing if this just results in Black Friday kicking Teddy in the "Goods" … and that ends the fight before it starts.
We are in Act III. It's all action and everything is life and death! Trust me you are in for a wicked fight.
If the more people believe in you the more powerful you are, Friday has a fighting chance. ( kinda like a sprite bomb from DBZ)
Also I have a question. At some point you said the tooth faerie was not real, why? If believing in something is what brings it to life why would the tooth faerie be real?
Because Santa isn't really Santa. The Easter Bunny isn't really The Easter Bunny. Both characters are personifications of Christmas & Easter warped by popular culture.
There is also a difference between a day celebrated by millions and millions of people and an imaginary entity believed to be real by children. If the Tooth Fairy were real what would stop The Bogey Man or Cooties from being real? For that matter if enough people believed in Darth Vader wouldn't that make him real? See what I'm saying? I had to set certain perimeters for the world.
Plus, the Fair Folk (real faeries) exist in The Holiday Wars Universe. So why would we even need a tooth fairy?
A tooth fairy… no no no. That would never do. A clan of teeth stealing fairy folk who tend to pray on children in the dank of night, sounds scary as hell. But, never fear, such a clan would of been left extinct by Ye Old Gods. Especially such gods that protect children, health, and other such mortal matters.
According to Terry Pratchet, there is a finite amount of belief in the world. that was why, when the Hogfather went missing, the god of hangovers sprang into existence. There was suddenly a surplus of belief.
So if belief can't make the tooth fairy real, why would it make Norse gods real?
But this isn't discworld!