Episode 277
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
As you can see Friday’s come a long way from the guy he was in the “Never Drink Green Beer” story.
Stayed up juuuuust to see this, lol
I believe Teagan's second bubble has an extra "to" between "get" and "past" in the second pannel.
Also, I'd swear that's the first statement Ask a Stupid Question Day has said throughout the story. I can't remember her saying anything but a question. All of them stupid, of course.
So staying up was a let down? Ill fix Tegan's in a little bit, but Stupid's dialog is what it should be.
No no, not at all a let down. I also wasn't trying to point out a flaw with Stupid, I was just thinking if that was the first non-question she'd asked 🙂
I fixed Tegan's speech bubble.
And yeah there is some leeway with Stupid's speech pattern. The basic rule is she must always end what's she's saying with a question. That's always been the rule, she's just been such a minor character we've not really gotten to know her that well yet. Plus most of her speech in Volume 1 has only been one line at a time. Don't worry though, we'll be seeing a ton of her in Volume 2!
Hurrah, not only does she survive, but she gets more screen time 😀
I love Black Friday.
I enjoyed the cameo by Nothing Day.
Indeed. 😀
Black Friday is so awesome.
I'm glad everyone digs hims.
That was not a stupid question.
Not all of her questions have been stupid.
I think the cast is going to be significantly smaller by the end of this if they keep making heroic sacrifices.