Episode 275
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
On the plus side, our three favorite Observances are still alive. On the down side, Opposite Day lost an arm.
Yay! Mr. Friday is so my FAV.
Friday is still alive and kicking… for now.
Good stuff, as always.
Thank goodness Ask a Stupid Question day is alive. Opposite day seems to have a stump for an arm though…
Don't worry, Stupid is around for Volume 2 and she'll get a lot more screen time.
Ah, but was that reported to you by Opposite? Therefore he still has an arm!
The bloody stump realllyyyy suggests that it's gone, but I guess I could be wrong?
He's opposite day. The Bad guys tried to cut his leg and his arm fell off instead.
Oddly enough i believe that is what happened. Ha HA ha… but, what if they try to cut off his head?
I like that hes apparently happy and feeling good about his arm which he's cheerfully waving.
Of course, being Opposite Day that means he's in world of pain and misery…
Yeah that smile means he is realllllyyy angry/unhappy.
No he just like attention so he stole it from Stephen King. 🙂