Episode 267
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
The Bunny is like a cat. When a cat kills a mouse it doesn’t just pounce on it and kill it. It spends a good while playing with it and batting it around first.
I have a need to comment on it twice apparently, but does Labor Day have powers related to minions? Or is it that the minions just respect his authority as the very incarnation of the working class? They seem suddenly less murderous in his presence (dropping the bunny, taking a passive role, etc.).
heyyyy, now that's an interesting possibility
He startled/scared them.
Makes sense. I just read too much into things I guess. It's an interesting coincidence though.
"Or maybe I maybe I"? Sounds like the Bunny goes into battle coked up!
Fixed 🙂
There he goes, closing his eyes again.
dont you know he wants them to get the holiday spirit so he can kill them for it
And now he's swinging his sword with his eyes closed. He must think of Labor Day as some kind of human pinata.