Episode 260
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
Elementals are pretty weak against a full fledge Holiday (at least one packing heat).
Why are guns killing creatures made of dirt?
President's Day a "full-fledged holiday?" Do people even get a day off for that? I work in *banking* and I don't get it off! And who celebrates it? It just seems to be an excuse for a sale.
Is the one on the far left Obama?
That would be one blonde Obama. And short too.
Who else would it be?
Nice one!!
Nice page.
Is that Reagan on the right?? (heh, pretty apropos.) Say it isn't so!
Left to right: Obama, JFK, Lincoln, Jefferson, and Reagan.
Well there go the stone elementals. Are we going to get back story behind for the reasons why the holidays took the sides?
Some will come up in later volumes but not really since the core storyline takes place with most of them dead. The biggest place you'll see the philosophy and choosing sides is the prequel novel whenever that comes out (right now we are looking at fall of next year).