Episode 258
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
Under normal circumstance I’d be 100% opposed to introducing new characters during the climax of Act III. However, since Teddy Roosevelt is part of President’s Day it’s not really a new character; more like a different side.
So he has ALL the presidents and he's a separate entity? Or can he just swap between them for different skillsets?
Hive Mind (though we do see some personality with each of them).
Not Lincoln! He's like Chuck Norris with a real beard!
Pretty much.
Dang! I think all 43 of those guys are presidents. Not just Honest Ab!
I live in the South…I could have a real field day with this one. 😉
So, George Washington, Ike Eisenhower, Lincoln….all the presidents who got us through wars…versus our heroes. Yikes!
Or think of it as a full fledge Holiday verses minions and weak Observances.
And then Bush appears, and the Bunny automatically lost.
With Bush on his side all The Bunny has to do is wait for the other shoe to drop…X-D…. Sorry, bad pun but I had to…..The Bunny made me do it…..