Episode 257
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This war just got REAL!
so…who are they supporting?
Hmmmm… I thought it was obvious, but if not then it will be on Wednesday.
Veteran's Day?
Veteran's Day is already dead.
Veteran's Day is dead. Who it is will officially be revealed on Wednesday (though you can always go and read the comments on the last episode to figure it out).
i think its one the president since there all in suits my first guess was black friday, but the insignia is what thru me that was on the c140 if i had to guess its military's day{very very short lived observation day}, not to be confused with veteran's day or memorial day and they are back up for for the bunny my guess the president have a private army since teddy was able to get nuclear waste, so it has to be tie in with short lived day that hardly known anymore or its known to older people than me
i think i found it… Remembrance day {Poppy Day} or Armistice Day is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth countries since the end of World War I.
here the lonk from wiki
so if memorial day is dead and so is veteran's day then has to be either of the one from another country so scott which on is it since you never told us if the war goes by other names and dates that have the same meaning as the major days
Good guesses, but for Volume One we are dealing with Holiday's who are mainly based in America.
And again… It will be more than obvious on Wednesday as to who/what these new comers are.
okay that make sense that we are working with america based days..
so it has to be a private army of the presidents guards… oh no scott i know who they are… i cant believe it those are all the presidents body guards that would explain the suits each president gets cia attachment to guard them, besides the army… so then we are looking at all the old president cia body guards and if each presidents x 4 generations of cia and military attachments{ they only leave when the president is actually dead due to all the secrets they know, was shown on a history that all the cia men that was hired stay with the president in some form of security to them }
oh great you are sneaky scott if my guess is right
Just FYI, the agency tasked with protecting the President is the Secret Service, not the CIA. Of course, all of the federal agencies are ultimately under the command of the President, but the Secret Service is most closely tied to the office.
Now, if only we knew of some Holiday related to presidents … a Day of Presidents of some sort … maybe even one that's been in the comic before this … if only …
(Subtlety was never my strong suit … )
Nice use of sarcasm without actually being mean! I had been putting off responding because I couldn't get the tone right, but you did a great job.
actually tek the CIA is in charge of the secret service they are hand picked agents to protect president and they all come from special military backgrounds secret service is branch in the cia, so yes they are the cia
and since we dont know how many presidents are actually alive {not the real presidents}.. and which ones besides teddy then i think they would have the same things that the real presidents have{ in holiday way of working} so my guess those are all the presidents days guards.