Episode 178
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
Woah! I’ll admit. I didn’t see that coming and I don’t think Tegan did either.
what the?! where the hell did that come from?!
I guess me and Tegan weren't the only ones surprised.
A kiss was bound to happen but this was just out of the blew! I was expecting a little more romance!
I saw this coming weeks ago during the road trip.
Fine I'm busted… I wasn't surprised. I knew it was coming.
busted…more like down ranked from writer to plagiarized writer of bad romance plot hole device..
that's just bad scott, i expected more from you /shakes a finger at you !!
hehheh all kidding aside i could see that a romance was going to happen between these 2 when they first met, i hope this doesn't cause tegan to think any thing wrong with arbor day pushing himself on her…
keep the good writing up, i think we can all agree that the way these 2 seem about each, seem to workout with the story
We'll know Tegan's reaction tomorrow.
He stabbed Tegan with his nose! Oh noes!
…….well, at least I know why Santa died. He died so that he can kiss her.
Everything has a purpose!
Glad you think so 🙂
i bet he's been plotting to do this for a long time..and now he got the chance now that taylor is outta the way…the only thing left to see is if tegan is going to kiss him back,or punch him in the face… i vote for face punching!!!
I bet Arbor Day has wood, LOL
I love puns and that was awesome.
after the kiss tegan whispers arbor day you got any wood on you… i need to heat up this relationship
…Oh, yeah! Just make out. Just…fate of the entire world. No, no, time is NOT of the essence. Just keep making out, you crazy kids!