Episode 158
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning.
Of course Taylor has his side of the story and we’ll eventually get to see that in the prequel novel this fall. Right now the working title has been changed from “Holiday Wars: Memorialized” to “Holiday Wars: Rise of the Bunny.” The later name just works better and is more marketable.
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It would be too easy if that's the Holiday Spirit…
My guess is that it is left over Chinese Food.
Happy Gaia, everybody!
Earth Day was last Friday!
/me looks at calendar, then quickly hides it.
Oh. uh… I can tell you're not an Islandish reader… or author… because here, we celebrate Earth Day on the 29th. It's always been that way. Honest. Stop looking at me like that!
Before I made my comment I had checked your IP Address and it says "Denver Colorado" and your website says "OtterComics US."
my guess would be its a mystical magikal lacrosse stick that she wanted lol
whatever in the box better not be alternate reality, i dont think she can take any more surprises
You guessed it! She's going to open the box to discover an alternate earth floating inside. It turns out that the alternate earth is OUR world and she has to leave her universe to come to ours because that's where Santa hid the Holiday Spirit. Dun dun dunnnn!
Add in a time travel paradox where she is her own grandmother and my head will asplode.
That wouldn't make sense anyway cause Taylor is her grandmother.
hehe yeah, but would her earth try to invade are earth when they find out that there same thing only not some former goddess turned rabbit that killing the holidays that now on his side, and how would we get rid of them que futurerama episode where the alternate steals are box!!
No earth invasions till Volume 6. You gotta build up and lay ground work for something like that.
so true well lets hope you can make to volume326 so we can have a saga of boxed universes that need are holidays!
I can tell you're not a U.S. reader (we don't have Labor Day till the Fall). I know some African countries celebrate it this time of year as well as does China and the Philippines. Where are you from?
Singapore 😀 I love this comic!
Ohhh nice!
I honestly wasn't sure how the comic would play with oversea readers since at least for Volume 1 we are dealing primarily with U.S. Holidays. Eventually we will get a good look at the non-U.S. Holidays, just it will be awhile.
i hope this is some kinda cool weapon that santa wanted her to have…..
Weapon? That sounds very un-santa-like to me.