Episode 131
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Something shady is going on.
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If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning.
Something shady is going on.
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*gasp* That is the furry outline of Groundhog's Day! So there IS more than one!? Oh this comic is so suspenseful and now I will have to wait until monday to find out D:
This scene will wrap Monday and then by Wednesday we will be back with Tegan and will stay with her till the end of May. We have the big midpoint sequence that will happen, which is why we will be with her for so long.
Oh, wow, May. That's quite a while from now, and a lot of comics in between.
Grindzy, Remember That Movie Groundhog Day?, If Not Than In It The Same Day Keeps Starting Every Time And Only The Main Character Knows It, Well Maybe Making Copies Of Stuff Or Himself Is Groundhog Day's Power.