Episode 68
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Just to be clear, Taylor hit the breaks, Wallace didn’t use any powers or do anything fancy to stop the jeep. That being said, tune in next week ’cause we are about to start a wicked fight scene that will last a few weeks!
New Vote Incentive: Vote below to see the first sketch ever of Tegan!
Re: the last page … I cannot help but feel utterly sad Tegan has/had such a foster home. When all of this is over, I hope the holidays can adopt her or something.
Re: this page…. Can't watch to see Wallace and Taylor interact!
I'm currently writing Book 2 of "Holiday Wars" and …well I can't say much 'cause there are some major spoilers as to who lives and who doesn't. However It's safe to assume that Tegan will survive since she is our lead character. As a result, thematically, Book 2 will really delve into "family." What it is and what it means to be a part of one. So we will take a good hard look at where Tegan comes from and juxtapose with where she will currently be.
As for Taylor and Wallace… you'll get plenty of interaction in both the next scene and throughout Act II!
In just this one episode I feel already like I have a good understanding who Wallace is.
Oh yeah the LoTR reference wasn't just a throw away. I did it to help establish who Wallace is.
I was really disappointed at first with the jeep. It looks really shoddy and then I realized it's bent and beat up from awhile back when he rammed April Fools with it.
The power of continuity!
HAHA! gotta love him.