Episode 170
If you are a new reader, you might want to subscribe to “Holiday Wars” as well as start reading it from the beginning. Once you’re caught up on the main storyline then checkout the side stories in “Tales of Holiday’s Past.”
Technical note, even without Gaia doing her “thing” the essence of a dead Holiday would still return to the World Tree. It just might take longer.
So good dead holidays join the tree. Bad dead holidays join the big pot of my-little-pony-barf soup.
There is no distinction between the bad and good.
I think Gaia might have a different opinion on that matter.
I just had to comment about that one. My-little-pony-barf soup. I could not stop laughing.
The aforementioned soup is composed, I believe, of forgotten holidays, not dead ones.
Thanks TekServer!
I didn't understand the joke. Now I get it. The swirly dye thingy is "The Forgotten." We don't really know much about it and won't learn more until Act III. But I can say it's different from a "dead" Holiday.
Now that I know that's what what was being refered to the "my-little-pony-barf-soup" is an awesome description!
So when I said "there is no exception between the bad and good" I meant that no matter their morality when a Holiday dies (die as in the physical body of the personified Holiday is killed) it's "essence" or whatever you choose to call it joins with theTree. That's very different from a Holiday which was once celebrated and then is no longer celebrated.
BTW, Scott, I can't remember if this has been asked before, but is there any chance that Towel Day will make an appearance in your comic? I've been wondering about that since Wednesday …
Not in Volume 1. The cast gets a big expansion in Volume 2 though so I'm not ruling it out.
Though with stuff like that there may be legal issues I'd need to research and make sure it's not trademarked/copyrighted. I have a whole list of Holidays I want to use later on that need to be checked before I can actually use them.
sooo…why would you need to check out the holidays before you use them?? like do you need permission from some super rich guy that "owns" holidays?? lol
Let's use Towel Day as an example…
It is a day to honor Douglas Adams (who is best known for writing "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). Hypothetically, let's say the Holiday originally appeared in one of his books and people do it now to tribute him (that's not the origin but let's just pretend it is). Because it appeared in the book it would be copyrighted. The owners of his estate (his children, lawyers, or whomever now owns Hitchhiker's Guide) may have even gone so far as having it trademarked. That would then bring up issues about if I can legally use the Holiday without the permission of whomever owns the copyright/trademark.
Or another example… let's make up a new Holiday. We will call it "Superhero Day." Thousands of people celebrate it world-wide by dressing in costumes and doing good Samaritan deeds (picking up trash, helping old ladies, whatever…). If I wanted then create a "Superhero Day" character and put him in "Holiday Wars" I couldn't because Marvel and DC have the term "superhero" trademarked.
So you see there are a lot of small gray areas like that. As a result, for at least Volume 1, the cast is based off Holidays I know aren't trademarked by anyone.
Technically, the term Superhero is trademarked, but it's become such a part of the English language that no court in the world is going to enforce that. (That's not to say that Marvel wouldn't try, of course. They're not as reasonable as DC, who actually let me share the names of minor characters.)
can two separate companies both trademark the same term?
They got a joint copyright precisely because neither of them could ever hope to copyright it on their own without.
In the context you're referring to, trademark is the defining quality, generally.
Just because something appears in a copyrighted book or other work – unless it's like a portion of a painting or photo – does not necessarily make it protected.
{For years the three seasons of the original "Star Trek" were Public Domain, because the copyright was not properly registered – though that part of the law was changed and copyright exists from creation, but it's a good idea to register, because if you don't, the government will not help you enforce your copyright, except if you sue and get a judgement – and anyone could release it on VHS or DVD … but you couldn't create new workfeaturing the characters or setting for sale, because they were properly trademarked,}
oooohhhhh i nailed it
I was waiting for you to comment again saying that.
I wonder if the tree is the source as well as the destination of all the personifications. like if enough people believe in something the tree creates a personification to focus it or something.
maybe the tree "manages" faith and belief somehow and creating the others is like subdividing itself to better manage.