HW V4 149
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Have you ever watched “Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer” as an adult? ‘Cause it basically proves that Santa is a total jerk.
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Have you ever watched “Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer” as an adult? ‘Cause it basically proves that Santa is a total jerk.
Depends on the version, I believe.
And I’m pretty sure Mother and Father were somewhat in on the scheme. They seem like people who just want to follow.
Mother's Day and Father's Day willingly gave up Tegan.
Kinda remembered it like that as well, but wouldn’t have been first thing remembered wrong. ^^”
But yeah, Santa is pretty much HW’s Superman and even with that boyscout every other storyline seems be about everybody finding reasons to hate the guy.
I'm still wondering who the new Christmas and Easter are. We need heavy hitters on the good guy side