Michael Odom on Free Comic Book Day!
For Free Comic Book Day, Michael Odom, our awesome penciler, did a signing at his local store in South Carolina (The news was there and they took the picture above). This is what he had to say about it…
Greetings Ladies, Gents and universal beings of all sorts Michael Odom here speaking to you directly from Holiday Wars art headquarters. In case you didn’t know this past Saturday was Free Comic Book Day and I spent it in the hustling, bustling city of Florence South Carolina with the folks at Legends Comics. I toiled away making sketches, hearing stories and telling a few of my own all afternoon while meeting visual literature lovers and 4 color fans of all persuasions. Had a blast and look forward to running into most of you again in the future.
Michael doesn’t have a con schedule but once he does I’ll be sure to post it. It’s way more exciting to meet him at a signing or convention than I am because he can do sketches.
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