Episode 87
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Holiday Wars is an urban fantasy not a high fantasy. We aren’t in another world dealing with other governments or politics. So although even I find pop-culture references sometimes annoying, I think they work here. Plus, The Fool was referencing “Gilmore Girls” like 30 episodes ago so having shout-outs to things like Oprah are well established already.
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This is not how pheromones work…
it would have been simpler and better to just say "magic" then to come up with a pseudoscience answer that is obviously wrong.
A pheromone is a secreted chemical triggers a response in a species. In this case it effects humans.
Ya but its not a particularly complex reaction in the scheme of things as to how it effects thought. I have to agree on this one, some kind energy aura would have been more in line. But its your comic, so whatever.
Tonight on Oprah! The easter bunny!0